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History of Bilara
The ancient name of Bilara town was ‘Balipur’ and it was established by the Asur King “Raja Bali”(thousands years ago). At that time, It was capital of a very rich state. Asur King Raja Bali was son of Asur King Raja Virochan, and was grandson of Bhakt Prahlaad (i.e. Bhakt Prahlaad => Asur King Virochan. => Asur King Raja Bali). Asur King Raja Bali was very brave, honest and kind.
According to epics and legends , to win the whole universe, King Raja Bali organized “100 Yagyas” across all India. The 100th Yagya of them was organized in Balipur (known as Bilara at present). Before the completion of 100th Yagya, Lord Vishnu came in “Vaaman Avataar”(i.e. dwarf form, also pronounced as “Baaman Avataar”) and made a demand of 3 steps long land, as a “Bhiksha”. King Raja Bali promised him to give 3 step long land. After that, the Lord Vishnu, who was in “Vaaman Avataar” became in “Viraat Avataar”(giant form or very large form). After that, Lord Vishnu measured whole universe in only 2 steps. Than, King Raja Bali said to Lord Vishnu to put the third step on his head. Lord Vishnu did so and sent King Raja Bali to “Pataal Lok” (inside the earth).
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